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Game Day Guacamole Steak Cups with Microgreens!
Whether it's the big game on Sunday or another kick-off party, you need a hearty appetizer that will score a touchdown with your guests...
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Pulled Jackfruit Tacos with Micro Cilantro
Begin a new taste journey with Jackfruit and BrightFresh® Micro Cilantro to create the most amazing tacos!
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Tikka Masala with Paneer and Micro Cilantro
We are always looking for recipes that embrace the use of microgreens, and this one is a winner! We chose a traditional Indian dish...
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One Pot Chicken Noodle Soup with Microgreens
Is there anything more lovely than a steeping bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup? We think not! Especially when it has our Micro Cilantro!
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Impossibleâ„¢ Tostada Bowls with Micro Cilantro
Tacos have basically taken over the world. Today, we're putting a fresh spin on the overlooked Tostada by adding BrightFresh Micro Cilantro!
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Honey Adobo Shrimp Tacos and Micro Cilantro
In a hurry? Try our no-fuss 30 min. solution: Honey Adobo Shrimp Tacos! Our Micro Cilantro with chipotle spice add a zing you will love!
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Traditional Vietnamese Spring Rolls with a Micro Twist
Today we're taking on classic Vietnamese spring rolls and refreshing them with THREE different varieties of our #microgreens!
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